Start and end times
AM students attend school 9:30 to 12:00
PM students attend school 12:45 to 3:15
Full day students attend school 9:30 to 3:15
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedure
The preschool students will be dropped off and picked up from the preschool door located in the back of the building. Please follow the procedure outlined to allow for a smooth drop-off and pick-up.
As you come down the high school driveway you will take the first right into the lower staff parking lot. Drive through the parking lot with the building to your left. Take the left up the hill, towards the back of the building. Please live park in the fire lane on the right. Stop at the first little "green man" at the base of the access road. DO NOT BLOCK THE BIG SILVER GATES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ACCESS ROAD! You may stop either in FRONT of the gates or BEHIND the gates while you wait. You will be met by a preschool staff member who will direct you further. Please keep your child buckled in their seat until you are ready to exit the car.
After you are directed to proceed, continue until you reach the traffic cone. Please bring your child to the waiting staff member. When picking up you will follow the same procedure to the preschool waiting area. You will also be asked to clearly display your colored name card on your passenger windshield during pick-up. The name tag will help staff expedite the dismissal process. Parents are asked to please put their child in the car and buckle them to ensure the safety of the child.
Please be patient the first few days of school as the teachers get to know the children and the children get to know their teachers. If your child is having difficulty at drop off please follow the lead of the teacher. If she feels it necessary she may ask you to pull over to allow your child for additional time to make the transition into school.
Please use extreme caution when dropping off and picking up your child and at no time may parents pass any live parked cars/vans. We appreciate your help in keeping all students and staff safe.
Misc. Preschool Information
School supplies in preschool are minimal. Students are asked to bring a full-size backpack, a change of clothes in their backpack and any supplies they may need if they’re not toilet trained.
Snacks - every child should bring a peanut and tree nut-free snack for morning, afternoon, or both sessions.
Weather Event Guidance
In anticipation of a weather event please read the following:
If we should have a significant weather event the superintendent has voiced that he may cancel school.
If school is canceled or delayed, you will receive a phone call and or an email from the school. If we have a two-hour delay, any full-day student would arrive two hours after their designated start time; afternoon students would arrive at their designated start time and all half-day morning preschool would be canceled.
Any school closures or delays are also posted on the Whitman-Hanson home page. For additional weather guidelines, please visit the Child Care Weather Watch site.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I can always be reached via email and phone at 781-618-7018 and [email protected]