COVID-19 Symptoms Checklist for Parents
"You cannot educate an unhealthy child and you cannot keep an uneducated child healthy..."
-Dr. M. Jocelyn Elders, Former Secretary of Health

"The rapid changes occurring in our society and in our health care system present many challenges for the school nurse. Many students come to school shouldering a background of profound health risks, which, in turn, affect their academic progress and success. Modern technology and pharmacology have made it possible for students with special health care needs to participate within the mainstream educational setting. Through the professional expertise of the school nurse, student health needs are assessed, identified and monitored. The school nurse functions with other professionals in the school community to facilitate health and wellness so that each student will have the opportunity for academic success" (Massachusetts School Nurses Organization).
Definition of School Nursing: "School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge healthcare and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential" (National Association of School Nurses, February, 2017).
Our nurses are available for cross coverage of the schools on an emergency as needed basis when the regular building nurse is not available. Unfortunately, the district cannot guarantee that a registered nurse is always present in each building each school day. If your child requires medical attention, a medical procedure, or medication when a nurse is not physically present in the building, you or your designee will be contacted. If the school staff determines that a child may need immediate medical attention, 911 will be called. District nurses do not routinely go on school sponsored field trips unless the school administrator and the building school nurse deem it necessary. Prescription rescue medications, such as inhalers and emergency epinephrine, are always accessible in the clinic with physician documentation and written parental permission.